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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Sunday 20 November 2011

Film Poster Analysis of 'My Sister's Keeper'

The main colour used in this poster is a turquoise/teal colour. This represents self-centeredness and communication. As relating to the film, about a girl who is only born for the sake of keeping her sister alive. The self centerdness comes from the parents who thought it would be fair to bring up a child for solely that purpose. Therefore the main colour used is one which relates directly to the narrative.
The main figures in the poster are the photographic image of the girl and the woman. This shows them as being main characters throughout the story and makes them primarily visual. By this being the main image of the poster, the poster suggests that the audience should have prior knowledge to the film before going to watch it. We can tell this because the poster gives nothing away, it is quite simplistic. Therefore expecting its intended audience to have prior knowledge. Saying this, I think the target audience for this film would be adults aged 25 – 40. I say this because the narrative is very sophisticated, and not one that would be aimed at teenagers or young adults. There are no stars used as a unique selling point, nor are there any “expert witnesses” quoted to persuade the audience any further. 

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