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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Sunday 20 November 2011

Film Poster Analysis of 'Ray'

The only colours used in this poster are black and white. This connotes as being extremely basic as linking with his blindness. By using only these colours it allows us to feel sympathy for the character shown in the poster due to how basic it actually is. For the character he can’t see anything so even by using these two colours for the audience doesn’t come close to what he can see. We don’t see any bright colours that’s because the story is a simple one showing the life and struggles the man goes through. Using bright colours would take away from the story and portray it to be an upbeat lively film which it is not. By using the white tells us, the audience that although the movie is one of a struggle there is light through all the hardship. As represented by using white on black, the black represents the suffering with the contrast of the white being used as the ‘light.’
The one and only object we see is the silhouette of the man himself. We can only clearly see half of his face which shows immediately tells us something is missing. As related to his loss of sight, something is missing with him which is shown to the audience by showing us half of his face. The image looks as if it has been painted. We see him smiling which again, shows us there is something good to look forward to after all the hardship.
The message in the poster is entirely primarily visible as all we see is the image of his face. There is only a little amount of verbal and that would be the phrase which says ‘A man who fought harder and went farther than anyone thought possible.’ This is a very strong sentence and allows the audience to wonder what he went through and how far he went. Therefore drawing the audiences’ attention with them wanting to watch the movie.
The intended audience for this film is adults aged 25 to around 50. This is because the subject issue is quite a sophisticated one, which would interest slightly older generations instead of teenagers.
The film is almost like a biography, it tells the story of Ray and how he has struggled with his tasks day in day out. The fact that its in black and white adds the mysterious element which would draw in the audience even more wanting to know what its about.
The film would relate to drama, music, and biography. It would relate to the genre of music as it’s about a famous singer. It would relate to drama as its real life, relating and based around everything Ray goes through. And finally, it would relate to biography as it’s as if Ray is telling the story himself. It goes through his life story, what he’s been through and overcome.
No star is used as the USP to attract the audience. The image and name of the film is what attracts the audience the most.
No critics are quoted either. This doesn’t sell the film very much as it doesn’t tell the audience the film is a ‘must see’, or a ‘film of the year’. Therefore giving the audience nothing to go on but their own choice to go and watch the film rather than any reviews about it.
There aren’t any gratifications promised to the audience. This suggests the film doesn’t need any of this to build it up. As if it expects the audience to have prior knowledge of the character and be interested in seeing this film about him.
As mentioned before, the thing that attracts the audience to the poster is the element of mystery. That the poster doesn’t give much away yet tells the audience what the film is about. By putting glasses on him shows some sort of blindness and the title is the name of the main character ‘Ray’ which is who the target audience will already be aware of. The attention is gained through the mysterious element of the poster, not giving too much of the story away. Almost giving an ‘if you want to see the film then go, no extra things need to be done to draw the audience.’
The tag line is “The extraordinary life story of Ray Charles, A man who fought harder and went further than anyone thought possible.” Its highly informative and emotive and does draw the audience attention. Immediately they wonder about the word ‘fought’ and how/what he had to do in order to succeed to where he is now. No alliteration, humour or pun is used. It is purely the story summed up into one short sentence. 

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