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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Sunday 20 November 2011

Film Poster Analysis of 'Blindness'

The colours we see in the poster are mainly white. White represents purity, innocence and in some ways, guilt. This is good when representing blindness as people with no sight are seen as carrying a burden of guilt. Whether from themselves or someone else a sense of guilt is always felt. This poster in particular represents more purity and innocence. This is because of the face that is shown. It shows the audience that there is perhaps help at hand, and the person shown isn’t on their own by showing the hands around their face. The image is entirely photographic, there aren’t any illustrations, objects or figures in the poster. The most important and iconic element is the face. It’s introducing the character to the audience, showing us she is the main one. This makes the messages in the poster primarily visual as there is no other important text or image that we are first drawn to.
I think the intended audience for this film are adults aged around 25 – 40. The poster represents the film as being quite non fictional nearing a true story so it would be more intended for an older audience. We can immediately tell it’s a drama which wouldn’t attract the younger audience, for example teenagers.
The main persuasive techniques used by this poster is the expression on the face of the poster. As this is the main thing we see the expression isn’t an ordinary one. She almost has a shocked look on her face which draws the audience in, making them want to watch the fim to find out why she does look so shocked, and what has happened. Another persuasive technique is the tagline. It reads ‘in a world gone blind what if you were the only would who could see?’ Comparing this to the title ‘Blindness’ the tagline contracts by not referring to an individual’s blindness but referring to a world of blindness. This would make the audience think that this is far from the average story of blindness, and that it clearly has something to do with the ‘world’. Also by using the term ‘world’ makes the poster have an almost sci-fi element to it, the complete opposite to a drama.
There are no stars used as a unique selling point, not are there any “expert witnesses’ used to promote the film even further. There are also no pleasures promised to the audience through the poster.

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