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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Evaluation of My Film Review

The reason I chose to use Empire magazine was because it is one of the most renowned magazines around. It’s famous for its film reviews so I thought it would be ideal to include our film as a feature in there. If you look at the layout I have used it is an exact replica of Empire magazine. The black border around the edge and the ‘IN CINEMA’ on the top left corner is also the same. I tried to find the same colours when using Adobe Photoshop and it looks like I’ve managed that quite well. With the text, I read quite a few reviews from Empire magazine and looked at the way they spoke to their audience. It seemed as if they spoke to them in a formal way yet spoke as if they were well acquainted with each other. I tried to replicate this as well as I could but as our film had such a different and unique story line it wasn’t easy to get the same tone across to our audience. I used phrases such as ‘a tear jerker’ to make the audience feel as is they were already familiar with the magazine. The image I have chosen to use is of the main character Kieran sitting on his bed looking up as he was talking to his mother. I chose this shot because this image has a lot of messages in it. Firstly, the audience will wonder why he’s wearing tinted glasses indoors so even before they’ve read the review they’ll be able to note that he has some sort of sight problem. Also, the fact that he is sitting down looking upwards shows he is quite weak and unconfident. It portrays him as being vulnerable and defenceless to his situation. Also, he is wearing a white shirt which represents him as being a simple and straightforward character. This again, relates to his loss of sight as he isn’t dressed up in fancy clothes and such, he appears basic and minimal. His facial expressions immediately show him as being slightly agitated and perhaps even slightly hostile. Again, showing his un-confidence and weakness.

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