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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Monday 3 October 2011

Script - Third Draft


INT – Bedroom

KIERAN is lying on bed playing with a games console. Camera pans at a 360 angle and shows his room full of posters, pictures, trophies etc. Camera then flashes into a new shot of a 360 pan of his room again, but this time the room is empty with bare walls.

Mid Shot - KIERAN is intensely asleep on bed; his body shivers repeatedly in a violent manner (as he gets flashbacks). Camera shifts from a birds eye view to an ECU to show anxiety in his facial expressions.

KIERAN: Screen fades to black and we see an unclear visual of the flashbacks. First flashback is a mid-shot of both characters putting their seatbelts on from behind their chairs. Camera quick cuts into an ECU of KIERAN’s face showing his eyes twitching.

KIERAN: Screen fades to black again and we see an ECU of the tyres travelling down the road in almost a slow step-by-step edit (slow motion). Camera quick cuts back to KIERAN’s face showing anxiety and panic in his expressions. We hear him make noises as if to show he is scared in his flashbacks.

KIERAN: Screen fades to black again and all we hear is non-diegetic sounds of a car crash. The camera quick cuts to a mid shot of KIERAN waking up by the sound of the doorbell.


EXT – House, front door.

Mid-shot of two of KIERAN’s friends standing outside. Quick cut to an ECU of the letterbox being opened and his friend calling him.

KIERAN open the door its Jermaine and Kevin.

INT – House, bedroom.

We see KIERAN listening to his friends calling him.

EXT – House, front door.

JANE opens the front door and says

Hi boys, It doesn’t look like Kieran will be coming out today. I think he just needs a little more time.

INT – House, bedroom.


We understand Mrs P. We’ll see if he’s ready another time. Take care anyway.

EXT – House, front door.

JANE says

Take care boys.

Establishing shot of boys walking away from the front door and setting off.


KIERAN hears the whole conversation and chooses to ignore this and wipes his hand over his face as if to show he is fed up with his lack of confidence of not even being able to speak to his friends.

KIERAN reaches his hands out of the bed and feels around the floor for his slippers. He manages to get into them and stand up.

KIERAN stumbles out of bed and we see a close up of him walking past a dustbin in his room with his games console in it. The dustbin remains in the shot until KIERAN has completely walked out of the room and into the corridor. He continues making his way to the bathroom.


INT – Bathroom.

Finding it a challenge he struggles to carry out his daily routine as he slams into a mental barrier. He mistakenly drops the tooth paste and tooth brush on the hard cold floor livid with himself (he feels weak and powerless).  We see a mid-shot of the mirror with his reflection of KIERAN standing alone. Showing his loneliness and isolation.


INT – Corridor

KIERAN then struggles to progress back to his bedroom (curtains closed/secluded), he continues waving his walking stick in front of him to aid him.  We see a close-up in front of his footsteps showing how slowly he has to move the camera has focused on the walking stick but blurred the background. Bit by bit he closes in on the distance to the bedroom and closes the door behind him, again showing his isolation.


INT – House, corridor.

JANE opens KIERAN’s room door and says:

Kieran I’m going to have to pop out for a little while. Will you be ok on your own?

I’ll be fine mum. (Shot shows KIERAN not looking in direction of mum, facing his cupboard.)

Just stay home don’t go out anywhere, alright. (Over the shoulder shot)

I’ll be fine mum just go! (Still not looking at his mum, facing cupboard.)

Alright son, I’ll be back soon. (Over the shoulder shot.)

JANE closes door behind her.

KIERAN then goes to his wardrobe where there is a shirt and trousers hanging of the wardrobe door. He then makes an attempt to dress himself but discordantly buttons his shirt up wrong. Unable to do this he takes a step towards the draws and feels for a t shirt. He manages to find one and puts it over his head but unbeknown to him he’s put it on back to front.


INT – Downstairs

KIERAN: stumbles down the stairs, very tightly gripping the railing stopping him from taking a steep fall, he feels his way around the hallway looking for the answer machine, (flashing red 1 new message plus the phone number on screen). He searches for the play button and the message says (we go to an ECU of the answering machine). KIERAN stands next to the answer phone closely listening to the message.


Kieran, sorry I had to go to work today son, mums staying home to look after you today. I just wanted to say that you need to take every obstacle as it comes; we need that confidence back in you. Have a good day.


INT- Kitchen

KIERAN finds his way into the kitchen. He anticipates where the cereal is, he begins to poor very gradually into a round bowl but misses the bowl by a huge distance, the contents of the box floods out onto the shiny marble floor.


INT – House, front door.

KIERAN he grabs his coat from the last hook, knocking the other coats on the floor and reluctantly makes his way out. He searches for his walking stick which is next to the door and steps out of the house.

EXT – Front of house.

Establishing shot of KIERAN closing his front door and pausing for a minute before he steps onto the road.


EXT – Road

KIERAN walks slowly down the road by using his walking stick to help him. He needs to cross the road and uses his hearing to judge whether it is safe to cross the road or not (he can hear cars, motorbikes etc – make these sounds significant). We see an ECU of his foot stepping out onto the road and moving straight back onto the pavement again even though he knows its safe to cross. Showing his fear and lack of confidence.


EXT – Road

He comes to a familiar crossing and all he can hear is the sound of the cars passing by which puts fear into KIERAN and he tries to get back to a familiar brick wall that he knows is behind him. Flashback to a distorted memory of him and his friends sitting on the wall before he was blind. He slowly makes his way to the wall and takes a moment to sit down.


EXT – Road

Makes his way back to the road after realising this is something he has to overcome. He hears the clicking of a woman’s heels walk by, however with Kieran’s other senses being so strong he hears a car and grabs her and pulls her out the road whilst picturing the crossing in his head and anticipating her movements, the cars wheels screech and come to a raging halt. The girl thanks him gratefully and offers to take him home but he refuses.


INT – Bedroom

KIERAN’s dressed and his mum walks into his room. OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT of JANE saying

Kieran your friends are waiting for you downstairs.

I’ll be down in a minute as he buttons up the final button on his shirt.
JANE says

I just want you to know how proud I am of you, you’r so brave.
KIERAN smiles

JANE says

Be careful today, and don’t come too late.

I won’t mum, don’t worry.


INT – Corridor

He makes his way downstairs still holding the rail but this time with a loosened grip. This contrasts with the day before as his confidence has increased so he doesn’t need as much support. He gets to the front door, feels for his walking stick and heads out the front door.


EXT – House, front door.

Establishing shot of KIERAN closing front door with his mates waiting for him outside. They set out onto the road and we see a long shot of KIERAN waving his walking stick in front of him. The three friends walk off down the road.

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