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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Treatment First Draft

‘Light through the Darkness’

A 16 year old boy named Kieran begins his teenage years just like any other adolescent would. He goes to school, goes out with friends and falls in love with a beautiful blonde girl named Chloe. He’s planned out his future to the last detail and can’t wait to turn into a mature adult so he can begin his successful journey. Kieran and his mother Jane are off to a relatives christening and running half an hour late as they haven’t set out of the house yet. Jane calls out from the bottom of the stairs ‘Kieran we need to leave NOW!’ He rushes down the stairs, grabs the car keys and jumps into the car. He’s waiting for his mum who’s still in the house, so beeps the horn three times until his mum comes scurrying out of the house saying ‘alright alright I was just putting my lipstick on’.  They’re both settled in the car and Jane gets ready to head out. Kieran asks ‘Mum how long it will take us to get there?’ Jane replies ‘about 15 minutes but let’s try and do it in 10. They’ve probably started without us as it is’.
Jane reverses out of the drive and sets off down Meldrum Avenue. She gets a call from a family member asking her how far she is. They tell her to get here as soon as possible as the service is running late but it’s not too long before they begin. Kieran asks his mother if there are any short-cuts and Jane tells him that whichever way they go they’ll face traffic. She turns left onto Park Avenue just minutes away from the church. She checks her rear-view mirror to see if there are any cars behind her when her son shouts ‘MUM!’ She looks in front of her only to see a car pulling out just inches away from them. She slams down the breaks yet smashes into the car in front. At the high speed that she was going Jane’s car pushes the car in front into a lamppost until she swerves right to avoid any more damage. Unbeknown to her a lorry is on her right hand side which hits the driver’s side of the car and sends the car spinning until it comes to a stop against a brick wall. The road is filled with fumes and the echo of screaming passers-by.
Kieran is asleep on his bed when he gets flashbacks on the day of the  accident he remember s getting into the car , waiting for his mum and putting on his seatbelt and then setting off to the christening. The next thing that he can vaguely remember is tyres screeching and shouting, and things becoming very dark. Kieran can remember hearing voices one of them saying ‘I am sorry to say Ms Parsons however your son is has lost some sight in both eyes and we are unable to repair the damage’.  Kieran then suddenly is woken up by the sound of the blazing alarm, it is his first day back at school after the accident. He was worried how about how he was going to cope in and around school, at home he had managed to deal with everyday life at home. At first it was difficult moving around the house and doing everyday things like brushing his teeth and getting dressed without the complete use of his eyes, however now he could do everything with ease.  Today was the day on the other hand that he was to face school alone without the help or support of his mum which he very much has relied on over the last couple of months.
After getting dressed for school and getting a hug and kiss from his mother Jane ,he closes the door behind him and Kieran then sets off for school. Standing in front of the school gates Kieran is nervous and scared and is not sure what this day will bring and how friends, students and teachers may react towards him. In Kieran’s first class he is there before all other students and even the teacher. When the bell rings and everyone pours into the classroom, to Kieran even though he cannot see clearly he can feel that all eyes are on him and he can hear the whispers of the students. When lesson begins Kieran finds it hard to see what his teacher is writing on the board the words  go blurry and the room seems to become darker. Kieran knew that this was going to be a huge problem but he does not realise that he would find it so difficult. When lesson ends Kieran makes his way to his next class, he does this by keeping very close to the wall with one hand on it at all times. Kieran was not used to the rushing around of the students as he was more used to the calm environment at home and because of this Kieran loses concentration and trips which results in the contents of his school bag emptying across the hallway.  Panicking and in a fluster Kieran feels around the floor desperately trying to find the books and stationary that has feel onto the cold hard floor.

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