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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Idea One for Short Film

Set on the grounds of a school. One of the main characters will be a very popular girl who always gets what she wants in her 'all about me' world. She's known for dating the 'popular' guys around school and gets the attention from absolutely everyone. Of course her usual type isn't the 'geeky' intellectual boy who always has his head in a book. Bravely he makes numerous attempts to say 'hello' to her but at first she isn't interested until the pair are grouped together as lab partners. He realises this may be his chance to get close to her so he eagerly offers to do a piece of her homework that he knows she is incapable of doing. The two get to talking during their science lessons and eventually end up spending time together in the library. As the girl seems to get closer to the boy he realises that she definitely isn't the type of girl he wants and he knows she is out of his league. The girl brings up a serious conversation about spending a weekend together in her parents 'beach house' to 'study'. The boy regretfully turns down her offer and tells her that although he is attracted to her it would never work out as they are too different. She continues to talk to him about ways she can change so that he would be interested in her but he explains that nothing will change his mind. Un-beknown to the boy the girl studies for weeks, ditches her friends, no longer wears makeup and has cut down on her material needs. After her transformation she attempts to make a menz with the boy and explain how she has changed and how much more intelligent she is. He shoots her down and leaves her with nothing by telling her that her change wasn't a good idea and her 'act' is fake. She is left with no friends, no money, no designer clothes and nothing but her pride.

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