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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Saturday 3 December 2011

Evaluation of My Film Posters

The main colours I have used in all my posters where black, grey and white. These colours are very minimal but do stand out to the audience. I chose to use black because of the narrative. I thought it matched the narrative very well as it was quite a sad, disheartening one so I thought the connotations of black would suit that very well. I chose the grey again, because of the situation he is in. Grey represents uncertainty, and misfortune which originates from his loss of sight and un-confidence. And the white represents purity and overcoming a journey. This is the most significant colour as that is the basis of the narrative. The character Kieran is over coming a journey which definitely needs to be portrayed to the audience before hand. As you can see, each tagline is written in white with a glow outline. This is so that it stands out and so that the audience can note that as one of the most important element in the poster.

The only image on each poster is a photographic image of the main character. From this the audience get a sense of what the film will be about and its narrative. I chose not to use loads of images from the film and over whelm the poster but to keep it simple like its narrative. In the billboard poster two images are blended into each other. The left with Kieran and his friend shows what he use to be like before he lost his sight and the one on the right shows his struggle through every day life due to his blindness. The messages in the poster are primarily visual as the image is what captures the audiences’ attention.

The intended audience for this poster would be adults aged around 25 – 40. I say this because the narrative is very deep, its quite sad and something people will be able to relate to in one way or another. Therefore I don’t think it would be right to aim the poster at teenagers I think adults would suit it fine. Also, they would be the people who are interested in stories like this, a drama as its narrative is sophisticated thus being geared more towards them.

I have used star ratings in all of the posters and ‘expert witnesses’. By doing this the audience will feel as if the film has been prior approved by expert critics that have given it a high rating. Therefore the audience are being reassured that the film is one to watch and will want to go to watch it.

The poster gets across the main themes of the film to the audience in a few ways. Most importantly, the billboard poster. This is because it almost shows the transition of what Kieran use to be like before the accident and how is now. It shows how he is trying to get himself back to the way he use to be by blending both images. Also, the title on the billboard has been made to be almost transparent. This is a play on the narrative of the film as it shows his transition from the time of the accident to now. By portraying it like this is a clever touch on the idea of blindness.

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