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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Saturday 5 November 2011

Film Review Research - Empire Magazine

When researching into film reviews ‘Empire’ magazine was definitely one of my first choices. As they’re renowned for the film reviews I thought they would be an excellent magazine to research into. When analysing their layout I noticed the image is the first thing that catches the audiences’ eye. It is placed right at the top of the review right underneath the magazine title ‘IN CINEMAS’. Under that we see the title ‘Kite Runner’ which is the most important element to the review. Its what the audience are interested in, the main purpose of the magazine. By placing it underneath the image allows the audience to link the picture to the title of the film. Therefore the audience are straight away introduced to the film and know what they are reading about. The house style of the magazine is the black border that is used on every page throughout the magazine. Also, the red captions which are written in bold. They illustrate important information like ‘MASTER OF FINDING THE PULSE…’ Similarly, the main colours used are black, red and white. The red stands out and captures the audiences’ eye especially when it is used with black/white, as they all contrast. The font is bold where it needs to be, for example the title of the film and the name of the page. Other than that it is fairly simplistic and written in black. That shows the magazine is just trying to get their information across, no gimmicks necessary.

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