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Hellooooooo.. My Name's Heena and my blog will show you everything you need to know about my media coursework. The task was to create a short film so you can see my research, planning, and evaluations stages.. Enjoy :D

Monday 26 September 2011

Script - First Draft

Sript draft 1


INT – Bedroom

KIERAN is intensely asleep on bed; his body shivers repeatedly in a violent manner (as he gets flashbacks). Camera shifts from a birds eye view to an ECU to show anxiety in his facial expressions.

KIERAN’s memory brings back memories to haunt him and mind flashes to remind him about the car accident. He hears tyres screeching/ear-ripping terribly and the echo of passers by blaring down the street in shock and panic. His body starts shivering excessively. He vaguely remembers the doctors saying he may have lost his sight.

(NO AUDIO) KIERAN: Suddenly KEIRAN is awoken in a hot sweat from his deep sleep (looks disorientated and confused) he becomes highly agitated and scared.

KIERAN stumbles out of bed and slowly tries to navigate his way to the bathroom.



INT – Bathroom, finding it a challenge he endeavours to carry out his daily routine but slams into a mental barrier. He mistakenly drops the tooth paste and tooth brush on the hard cold floor, livid with himself (he feels weak and powerless for himself)

KIERAN then struggles to progress back to the murky bedroom (curtains closed/secluded), taking step by step he slowly feels his way along the jagged edge of the corridor walls, bit by bit he closes in on the distance to the bedroom.

KIERAN then makes an attempt to dress himself without his mum but discordantly buttons his shirt up wrong. Unable to do this simple task KEIRANS actions become fast and angry as he rips the shirt off of his torso,


INT – Downstairs

KIERAN: stumbles down the stairs, luckily grabbing onto the railing stopping him from taking a steep fall, he feels his way around the hallway in an alarmed manor for the answer machine, (flashing red 1 new message plus the phone number on screen) The message plays (we go from a medium shot to a ECU of the answering machine)

Message: Kieran I want u to take every obstacle u come across in your stride, learn to deal with situations as I am not there to do it for you, try and get out today with maybe your friends or go for a walk around the block; love you lots mum.


INT- Kitchen

KIERAN: gathers confidence from his mothers message and then tries to put it into action, he easily found his way into the kitchen (arms out in front) and anticipates where the cereal was, he begins to poor very gradually into a round bowl but misses the bowl by a huge distance, the contents of the box floods out onto the shiny marble floor. (he is devastated he could not even do this)

INT- on the street

KIERAN-Kieran grabs his coat from the hook, knocking the other coats on the floor and makes his way out. Kieran walks slowly down the road and he does this by keeping very close to the neighbours wall with one hand on it at all times. He comes to a crossing next to him he can hear a woman she is on the phone chatting loudly
Let’s go nandos, around 7:30ish, yeah yeah ok that’s cool make sure you don’t keep me waiting!

She then walks out into the road, however with Kieran’s other senses being so strong he hears the car and grabs the girl and pulls her out the road-he does this all from picturing the crossing in his head and anticipating her movements, the cars wheels screech and come to a raging halt. The girl thanks gratefully. This automatically boosts his confidence and he makes his way home.



The following morning Kieran wakes up and goes to the bathroom and was able to brush his teeth, was his face with such ease also he was able to get dressed without any complications.


He makes his way downstairs still holding the rail but a loosened grip. He presses play on the answer machine and his mum says
‘Kieran I am so proud of you I knew that you could do it, all you needed was a little confidence to help you on your tracks. Keep up the hard work Love Lots Mum’.

Kieran’s confidence is restored and he has the biggest grin on his face makes a start on his day.

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